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March 23, 2023
The words annual check-up or vehicle inspection likely don't elicit happy feelings. However, most of us recognize it's just something we have to do. The same can be said for businesses facing regular regulatory audits.
March 17, 2023
Stricter Regulations Impact Cybersecurity Audits
For years, the government has pressed companies to voluntarily report intrusions in their systems and regularly patch their programs to fix newly discovered vulnerabilities...but the Biden Administration's National Cybersecurity Strategy concludes that such good-faith efforts are helpful, but insufficient in a world of constant attempts by sophisticated hackers.
February 22, 2023
NCUA Letter to CUs
Effective February 1, 2023, NCUA examiners will be auditing credit unions using the new Information Security Examination (ISE) procedures to identify and address information and cybersecurity risks. The guidance has split Credit Unions into three (3) levels based on size, risk, and level of assets.
February 3, 2023
FTC Safeguards Rule
The deadline for complying with the FTC's Safeguards Rule is June 9. That's only 4 months away!
Get all of your compliance ducks in a row ahead of the deadline: perform a risk assessment now, so you can prioritize the remediation and other requirements well before June 9. For more on the FTC's Safeguards Rule, go to DataSure24's Compliance Page.
December 8, 2022
(The More Things Change), the More They Stay the Same
Over the past two years, companies shifted their business models from survival mode back toward pre-pandemic operations. With the world in constant flux, however, it's difficult to know exactly what will happen in 2023.
November 15, 2022
Incident Response Plans: A Tool in Your Arsenal Against Cyberattacks
Malware. Ransomware. Phishing. DDoS. Insider Threat. Zero-Day Exploit. The number of cybersecurity attack incidents continues to increase exponentially.