Vulnerability Scanning
DataSure24’s Security Analysts will conduct internal and external scans to identify, define, and prioritize any security gaps found in a client’s infrastructure. Our vulnerability scanning tools are continuously updated to ensure the newest vulnerabilities can be identified and reported to our client's technical team.
The frequency of vulnerability scanning is determined by an organization's size and specific needs. Once scans are completed, Security Analysts analyze and prioritize the scan’s findings and provide clients with a summary report detailing vulnerability and remediation information. A detailed report with all technical information is provided as well.
Assessment Components
External Vulnerability Scan
Details security gaps and vulnerabilities posing threats to the organization’s public facing network and external infrastructure.
Internal Vulnerability Scan
Details security gaps and vulnerabilities posing threats to internal infrastructure, network and systems.
Vulnerability Analysis
An analysis of each vulnerability and identification of recommendations for remediation within the report.
POA&M Creation
- Clients are assisted in prioritizing a remediation path.
- Based on the severity of the vulnerabilities, and size of remediation required, Plan of Action and Milestones may be developed, and shared with the client.
Clients receive a summary and prioritized list of vulnerabilities by risk rating.